Do not exploit glitches found in the game, report them to an Admin immediately.
Do not Glitch/Exploit Explosions, Players or Props through Map Structures.
Do not Glitch/Exploit eploit in any way you suspect could be against the rules. Malicious gameplay is not encouraged.
Do not attack/kill players under 5 hours unless provoked or given consent.
- This includes killing them with Props or Traps.
- This also applies to Under 5's killing other Under 5's.
- If provoked kill them only once, until they provoke you again.
Do not Door Block.
- This includes but is not limited to Doors, both sliding and swinging, Elevators and Teleports.
Do not intentionally suicide or disconnect to avoid combat, being or to prevent the loss of drugs or cash.
- The battle must complete before you can use the kill command.
- This includes using the jetpack to fall to your death.
- Combat starts when someone initiates a Chase or fires at you, even if they miss.
Do not evade bans with different steam accounts.
Do not use any external program or modification to gain an advantage. Automation of gameplay to gain wealth might end in the players account being banned then reset before unban.
Respect all Admin Decisions.
Do not heavily interfere with admin work.
Do not Impersonate an Admin
- This includes using an Admins name as your own or attempting to deceive other players into thinking you are an Admin.
- Impersonating any Players name in-game may result in a forced name change or punishment at an Admin's Discretion.
Sprays are allowed however Pornographic sprays are heavily discouraged, please use consent.
- This includes softcore images.
- This includes depictions of a sexual act.
Superfluous Racism may not be Tolerated, it is up to Admin Discretion.
Breaking ANY of these can result in a ban for any length of time.