General Commands & Info
In chat, a ! preceding the command announces it via chat to everyone. Example: !withdraw 500
In chat, a / preceding the command executes the command. Example - /withdraw 500
In Console, sm_preceding the command executes the command. Example - sm_withdraw 500
Generally, if you have to input something to a command and it has a space in it then Quotes are required. Example - /doorname "bug off".
For player names you can use a unique portion of the name. Example - /givekeys 2 blo - gives keyset #2 to player JoeBlow so long as there is not a conflict with the letters "blo" in another player name.
Console is accessed via the tilde key ~
To enable console: When the game is running hit Esc, then select "OPTIONS", then "Advanced", then "Enable developer console".
NPCs[Non Player Characters] - Bankers, Vendors, Job Changers, Black Market, Drug Buyers etc.
Generally, Press "E" on one to get a menu via Escape key.
- You may need to carry cash for Vendor purchases - Go explore all the NPCs.
- If you buy some guns, and you equip with one and fire until empty, you have to use ammo from your inventory. - Selecting another of the same gun just wastes the gun.
-Buy Drug Supplies from the Fallout NukaCola Machine to make a quick buck!
-/plant for Cactus
-/Crack for the crack stove.
-Money printer is used from the inventory.
-You can have multiple drugs planted at one!
-Make sure to plant at a safe location (bc they cannot be moved) and wait for them to grow completely before collecting for maximum profit!
Once collected sell to the drug seller npc!
"E" twice on a Banker to Quick Deposit.
"E" then on Drug Dealer to Sell Drugs.
"Shift" twice on vendor npcs and banker npcs while you are the robber job to Rob them.
/deposit [Amount] - When facing the Banker allows you to deposit a specific amount of cash.
/withdraw [Amount] - When facing the Banker allows you to withdraw a specific amount of cash.
/items (or press reload) accesses your Inventory [your purchases get stored there]; in console you could bind it to a key. Example - bind "i" "say /items"
/push allows you to push a player away Use "sm_push" if you bind it or you risk flooding the server.
kill in console - Kills you.
/job - Often gives you information about your current job.
You must sell your house to recieve locks back in your inventory.
Tab key to see players in-game. Score Column is their hours, Deaths is Crime.
/freedomcard if you are in jail and have a freedom card
sm_help in Console for commands.
Type status in console to see player IDs.
House Commands
/locks - While looking at a door, displays the amount of locks on that door.
/buydoor - While looking at a door, purchase the door for you to own. (Money is taken from the bank.)
/selldoor - While looking at a door, sells the door you own.
/givekeys [Number] "Playername" - While looking at your door, gives keys to other players. (Use numbers 1-50)
/takekeys [Number] "Playername" - While looking at your door, takes keys from other players. (Use numbers 1-50)
/mydoormess "Name" - While looking at your door, changes your door message. Please Do NOT rename the door with a For Sale notice.
Reload (R) Key - While looking at a door, gives you the option to buy the door, lock/unlock the door, or to look at key number for removale of keys from the door.
Cop Commands
/switch - Switches to and from Cop Job/Rebel.
/kickdoor - Kicks down a door causing it to open without breaking locks.(player must have a bounty)