VERSION 3.2.35 Roleplay Command Guide Plugin Extension For Half-Life 2:Deathmatch Created by: [GR]Nick_6893{A} 2010-2012 The content of this document contains all the necessary commands to run and operate the roleplay plugin. 1 Table of Contents Setting Up Your Roleplay Server ................................................................................................... 2 Buydoor....................................................................................................................................... 2 Cars ............................................................................................................................................. 2 Cop Doors ................................................................................................................................... 2 Firefighter Doors ......................................................................................................................... 2 Jails ............................................................................................................................................. 3 No Crime Zones .......................................................................................................................... 3 No Kill Zones .............................................................................................................................. 3 NPCs ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Phones ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Spawns ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Taxi Zones .................................................................................................................................. 4 Special Commands.......................................................................................................................... 5 Editing Entities............................................................................................................................ 5 Employment ................................................................................................................................ 5 Items ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Money ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Doors ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Notices ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Saving ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Special Doors .............................................................................................................................. 6 Other Admin Commands ............................................................................................................ 6 Client Commands............................................................................................................................ 7 Banking ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Buydoor....................................................................................................................................... 7 Casino ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Chat Commands .......................................................................................................................... 7 Server Cvars .................................................................................................................................... 8 2 Setting Up Your Roleplay Server Buydoor The buydoor feature allows users to be able to buy and own their own house. sm_setdooramount - Set a door up to be buyable. Run this command while looking at a door. sm_resetdoor – Reset a buydoor back to for sale. Owner and keys given are automatically taken away. sm_deletedoor – Remove a buydoor from the database. Owner and keys given are automatically taken away. Cars Create airboat spawns for people to drive around. Currently, it’s not fully working as airboats aren’t drivable in the new source engine. sm_createcar <1-50> - Create a car. sm_removecar <1-50> - Remove a car. sm_carlist – Print out all cars in console. sm_carid – Print out the current car id you’re looking at in chat. sm_givecarkeys – Give a person keys to an airboat. Look at the airboat while running command. sm_takecarkeys - Take a person keys from an airboat. Cop Doors Set up default cop doors that all cops will get access to. sm_createcopdoor <1-64> - Set a default cop door. Run this command while looking at a door. sm_removecopdoor <1-64> - Remove a default cop door. sm_listcopdoors – Print out all cop doors in console. Firefighter Doors Set up default firefighter doors that all firefighters will get access to. sm_createfirefighterdoor <1-64> - Set a default firefighter door. Run this command while looking at a door. sm_removefirefighterdoor <1-64> - Remove a default firefighter door. sm_listfirefighterdoors – Print out all firefighter doors in console. 3 Gambling Zones These zones allow users to gamble their money with roulette. sm_addgamblingzone <1-75> - Create a gambling zone from where your standing. sm_removegamblingzone <1-75> - Remove a gambling zone. sm_listgamblingzones – Print out all gambling zones in console. sm_setgamblingowner <1-75> - Set the owner of a gambling zone. sm_removegamblingowner <1-75> - Remove the owner of a gambling zone. Jails Jails are used when a combine cuffs and sends a rebel to prison for exceeding the crime limit. Without jails, the rebels wouldn’t be punished for what they did! sm_addjail <1-10> - Adds a jail position based on your feet. sm_removejail <1-10> - Removes a jail position. sm_listjails – Print out the jail positions in console. sm_setexit – Set the exit position when a person is released from jail. sm_setsuicide <1-2> - Set death penalty positions. Also referred as Order 66. sm_removesuicide <1-2> - Remove a death penalty position. sm_listsuicide – Print out the suicide positions in console. sm_setvipjail – Set the vip jail position. sm_setafk – Set the afk room position. No Crime Zones These zones are used for preventing users from gaining crime. Good for doing any fighting events. sm_createnocrimezone <1-100> - Create a no crime zone from where your standing. sm_removenocrimezone <1-100> - Remove a no crime zone. sm_listnocrimezones – Print out all no crime zones in console. No Kill Zones These zones are used for protecting users from getting killed. Perfect for afk areas. sm_createnokillzone <1-100> - Create a no kill zone from where your standing. sm_removenokillzone <1-100> - Remove a no kill zone. sm_listnokillzones – Print out all no kill zones in console. 4 NPCs Npcs are used for various functions. They can be used as job listers, bankers, vendors, taxi drivers, etc. sm_createnpc <1-100> - Create a npc based on your feet. - Type of HL2 npc. Example: dog, alyx, gman, mossman - Function of npc 0-Job Lister, 1-Banker, 2-Vendor, 3-Auction, 4-Rebuy, 5-Auction Buy, 6-Decoration, 7-Gang Seller, 8-Taxi Driver - Use a custom model instead of HL2. Do not mention models/ or .mdl in this argument. sm_removenpc <1-100> - Remove a npc. sm_npcwho – Prints the npc id number in chat by looking at the npc. sm_npclist – Prints all the npcs in console. sm_npcnotice - Place a notice on a npc. sm_addvendoritem - Add an item to a vendor npc. sm_removevendoritem - Take an item away from a vendor npc. Phones Phones are used for players to contact each other in a private chat. sm_createphone <1-50> - Set a phone zone. Position is based where your standing. sm_removephone <1-50> - Remove a phone. sm_phonelist – Print out all the phones in console. Spawns Set up spawn points for both combine and rebels. sm_createspawn <1-25> <1-rebels 2-cops> - Create a spawn point for a team. sm_removespawn <1-25> <1-rebels 2-cops> - Remove a spawn point from a team. sm_spawnlist <1-rebels 2-cops> - Print out all spawns in console. Taxi Zones These zones are the destinations from your taxi npcs. sm_addtaxizone <1-20> - Create a taxi destination sm_removetaxizone – Remove a taxi destination. sm_listtaxizones – Print out all taxi zones in console. 5 Special Commands Editing Entities sm_freezeprop – Freeze a prop. sm_unfreezeprop – Unfreeze a prop. sm_delete – Delete an entity. sm_angles - Change the angles of an entity. sm_origin - Change the origin of an entity. Employment sm_createjob <0-public 1-admin> - Create a job. sm_removejob <0-public 1-admin> - Remove a job. sm_joblist – Print out all jobs in console. sm_employ - Employ a person with a job not in public. Items sm_createitem - Create a new item in the database. sm_removeitem - Remove an item. sm_itemlist - Print out items in console. sm_additem - Give a person items. sm_takeitem - Take away items from a person. sm_listitem - List all items a player owns. sm_convertitem - Change an item id. Money sm_addmoney - Add money to a person’s account. sm_addmoneybank - Add money to a person’s bank account. sm_setmoney - Set money to a person’s account. sm_setmoneybank - Set money to a person’s bank account. sm_setincome - Set the income of a person. 6 Doors sm_givedoor - Give a person keys to a door. Run command while looking at door. sm_takedoor - Take a person’s keys to a door. sm_takedoorall – Remove everyone’s keys to a door. sm_doorhistory – Print history of admins who gave/took doors. sm_cleardoorhistory – Clear the history of a door. sm_listdoor – List who owns keys to a door. sm_doorshow – Lookup last time owner of a door was online. sm_lockit – Superlock a door. sm_unlockit – Unlock a superlock. Notices sm_setnotice <1|0 save> - Set a notice on an entity. sm_looknotice <1|0 save> - Set a notice on an entity by looking. sm_noticelist – Print out all notices in console. Saving sm_save – Save an entity. sm_remove – Remove a saved entity. sm_changeskin <0|1 save> - Change the skin of a saved entity. sm_changecolor - Change the color of a save entity. Special Doors sm_spawndoor <1-14 skins> - Spawn a custom door (temp). sm_tempremovedoor – Temporarily remove a door from database. sm_permremovedoor – Permanently remove a door from database. sm_savedoor <1-100> - Save a door to database. sm_listdoors – Print out all door ids used in console. Other Admin Commands sm_crime - Set a person’s crime. sm_status – Print out status of all players currently in server in console. sm_bountyall – Turn Bounty on for all players. sm_cuff - Cuff a player. sm_uncuff - Uncuff a player. sm_push – Push a player. sm_setexp - Set the amount of experience of a player. sm_playeroftheweek - Reward the player of the week. sm_setgarbagezone – Set a zone up for garbage men to throw out trash. 7 Client Commands Banking sm_withdraw - Withdraw money from bank account. sm_deposit - Deposit money to bank account. Buydoor sm_mydoormess - Set the notice on your door. sm_givekeys <1-50> - Give keys to your door. sm_deletekeys <1-50> - Take away keys from someone to your door. sm_listkeys – Print out which keys are given. sm_locks – Display how many locks are on a door. Casino sm_mycasinos – List out all your casinos. sm_givecasinomoney – Give money to your casino. sm_takecasinomoney - Take money from your casino. sm_opencasino - Open your casino to the public. sm_closecasino - Close your casino to the public. sm_maxbet - Maximum amount of money someone can bet at once. sm_bet - Bet at a casino. sm_bettypes – Print out types of betting. sm_casinocommands – Print out casino commands. Chat Commands /items – Open up your inventory. !writecheck or /writecheck – Write a check. !buydoor – Buy a door. !selldoor – Sell a door. /tracers – Toggle tracers. /mainhud – Toggle main hud. /centerhud – Toggle center hud. /crimehud – Toggle crime hud (Combine Only). /stuck – Commit Suicide (Lose Money). /exitafk – Exit afk spot. /minutes – Print how many minutes your in server. /watergunon – Turn on watergun (Firefighter). /watergunoff – Turn off watergun (Firefighter). /dispose – Dispose a bomb (Firefighter). /diffuse – Diffuse a bomb (Firefighter). /answer – Answer a phone call. /hangup – Hangup a phone call. 8 /door – Owners of door online. Server Cvars sv_crimetocuff - Minimum crime for a client to have to be cuffed. (Default 400) sv_crimepermin - Assigned how much crime per minute when client goes to jail (Default 300) sv_rpexperience - Enable/Disable the experience points for both rebels/cops. (Default 1) sv_taximode - Modes: 0 = Use Taxi Only with 0 crime, 1 = Use Taxi with Crime (Default 1) sv_robmode - Modes: 0 = Rebels can rob with no cops online, 1 = Rebels can only rob if cops are online (Default 1) sv_starterpacks - Modes: 0 = No starterpacks, 1 = Starterpacks are given (Default 1) sv_firefightermode - Modes: 0 = Easy mode with Menus, 1 = Hard mode with no Menus sv_firefighterchiefmode - Modes: 0 = Chief is not a cop, 1 = Chief is a cop sv_playeroftheweek - Modes: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enable sv_commandslocks - Modes: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enable (sm_locks) sv_crimehudamt - How much crime client's need to be on menu (Default 0 - Everyone is shown on menu) sv_crimehudsetting - Modes: 0 - Disabled menu when combine comes. 1 - Enable menu when combine comes (Default 0) sv_firefighterteam - Modes: 1 - Combine, 2 - Rebels (Default 1) [This doesn't include the chief] sv_logdoors - Modes: 0 - off, 1 - on (Default 1) sv_rpmotd "Message" - Message when person joins server [^ seperates lines] (Default is "Please Hit Escape to^Select a Job and^Begin Playing!") sv_selldoordeduction "10" - Deduction Percentage off Original Price of buydoor sv_inventorycategories "1" - Enable Categories For Inventory (0 – off) sv_savejobs", "0" - Modes: 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable sv_jobswitch "1" – Modes: 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable (Allow